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Grown in the Czech Republic 💚
Frequently asked questions
Glossary of terms

Frequently asked questions

Once you've placed your order, you can track the status of your order in the parcel app.

Standard delivery time is usually 2-4 working days.

Yes, we offer all our customers the option of returning goods in accordance with our returns policy.

Most people have positive experiences with the effects of CBD on sleep quality.

We recommend consulting a professional before taking any product containing CBD during pregnancy.

Always check with your doctor before taking supplements, especially if you are taking prescription medications.

Recommended doses may vary. We recommend starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it as needed.

We grow our plants on certified hemp farms with careful adherence to standards.

Our products are rigorously tested by independent laboratories to ensure their high quality and safety.

It depends on the cannabinoid content of the product. HHC and THCP, unlike CBD, are psychoactive cannabinoids.

Most EU countries allow the sale and use of low-THC cannabis products. Some EU countries such as Slovakia, Poland or Austria have already banned other psychoactive cannabinoids such as HHC or THCP.

CBD (cannabidiol) is not a psychoactive substance, unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which has psychoactive effects.

Yes, cannabis products containing CBD, HHC and THCP are compliant with Czech legislation.

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