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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms

Hemp flower
Or, in slang, the bud, is the part of the plant for which cannabis is most commonly grown. The flower is the richest part of the plant in active substances, which is why the dried flowers are primarily used for smoking. However, they can be used together with the leaves...
It is a liquid cartridge containing active ingredients, most commonly flavoured with terpenes, which is used to fill an electronic cigarette, or vape. It is heated and converted into vapour, which is inhaled by the user.
Live Resin
Live resin is a cannabis concentrate made from freshly frozen cannabis plants (not dried) that are frozen immediately after harvest. By freezing the plants immediately after harvesting, the trichomes remain intact and have no chance to degrade during the drying and...
It is a slang term for the flower of the cannabis plant. It is the part of the plant for which cannabis is most commonly grown. The flower is the richest part of the plant in active ingredients, so the dried flowers are primarily used for smoking. They can be...
Resin is a sticky substance secreted by the trichomes of cannabis. The cannabis plant secretes this resin in order to protect the plant from UV radiation and pests. Highly resinous cannabis plants often contain high levels of cannabinoids and terpenes, making them more potent....
Psychoactive substances
are chemicals that primarily affect the central nervous system, where they alter brain function and cause temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behaviour (e.g. alcohol, nicotine, THC, HHC, THCp, etc.).
Rick Simpson Oil
Rick Simpson oil (RSO) is better known in the Czech Republic as cannabis extract or phoenix tears, which is made from cannabis varieties with a high content of cannabinoids - mainly THC, usually reaching around 50-80% THC.
Sativa is a type of cannabis characterised by a tall, slow-growing plant with narrow leaves. The effects of sativa are described as energetic and uplifting, although its descriptions often vary from user to user. Pure sativa strains are...
Shatter is a cannabis extract that is solid and translucent as glass to the eye. It achieves its glassy appearance through specific processing techniques involving solvents such as butane. The abundance of essential compounds such as THC and CBD is...